
Estimate Overview

The Estimate tool is designed to simplify and enhance the way you create and manage quotations for your business. Whether you’re dealing with single items or complex structures, this feature allows you to quickly generate detailed, accurate estimates. You can easily incorporate subcontractor quotes, variations, and material substitutions, while maintaining full control over margins, labour rates, and special pricing. The intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and flexible options give you the ability to customise estimates for any client, and the comprehensive reporting ensures you’re always on top of your quoting process. With full integration to your production and purchasing modules, the Estimate tool helps you streamline workflows and make informed decisions, all while saving time and reducing errors.

Key Features:

  • Create Estimates for any size quotation, single item or complex structure.
  • Add subcontractor Quotations and Variations with ease
  • Direct access to Materials, Labour and user created Modules using “drag and drop”.
  • Create Estimate Options and re-select any option provided to the customer.
  • Copy a previous Estimate from previous Quotes or Jobs and make modifications
  • Import from your choice of design package.
  • Intuitive hierarchical structure makes the most complicated estimate easy to set up and follow Very fast – as fast as drag and drop and copy and paste
  • Modules fully Parametric or easily cloned for flexibility and minimal set up times
  • Material substitution allows easy “what if” scenarios
  • Comprehensive reporting on all aspects of your quote
  • Client specific quote formats
  • Assemblies and sub-assemblies – true nested BOM
  • Copy and paste within and between jobs – very easy to modify existing quotes.
  • Percentage and Mark-up allowances, simple or detailed.
  • Manual override of library costs.
  • Estimate versions – all old versions can be retrieved, excellent for “what ifs”
  • Flexibility – as simple or detailed as the user desires
  • Special material pricing per job
  • Multiple levels of Margins
  • Labour as a margin or charge rate per task
  • Differential margins for labour, materials or subcontractors
  • Differential margins for different sections of estimate
  • Automatically convert estimate quantities to sheet sizes based on wastage.
  • Client specific mark-ups for different labour tasks
  • Link to Production Module and Purchasing Module.


    Business Integration

    Add Variations with ease

    Clone Modules

    Powerful Material Library

    Link to Purchasing